Gene "Dave"  Spencer

Gene "Dave" Spencer

Assistant Professor

Mailing Address:
Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute
Box 9388
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Physical Address:
Ballew Hall
Mississippi State, MS 39762


  • Bryant, C. J., M. A. Locke, L. J. Krutz, D. B. Reynolds, B. R. Golden, J. T. Irby, R. W. Steinriede Jr., G. D. Spencer. 2021. Furrow-irrigation application efficiency in mid-southern U.S. conservation tillage systems. Agronomy Journal 113(1):397-406. Download
  • Atwill, R. L., L. J. Krutz, J. A. Bond, B. R. Golden, G. D. Spencer, C. J. Bryant, B. E. Mills, J. Gore. 2020. Alternate wetting and drying reduces aquifer in Mississippi rice production systems. Agronomy Journal 112(6):5115-5124. Download
  • Bryant, C. J., L. J. Krutz, D. B. Reynolds, M. A. Locke, B. R. Golden, J. T. Irby, R. W. Steinriede, Jr., G. D. Spencer, B. E. Mills, C. W. Wood. 2020. Conservation soybean production systems in the Mid-Southern USA: I. Transitioning from conventional to conservation tillage. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6(1):e20055. Download
  • Bryant, C. J., L. J. Krutz, D. B. Reynolds, M. A. Locke, B. R. Golden, J. T. Irby, R. W. Steinriede, Jr., G. D. Spencer, B. E. Mills, C. W. Wood. 2020. Conservation soybean production systems in the Mid-Southern USA: II. Replacing subsoiling with cover crops. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6(1):e20058 Download
  • Bryant, C. J., L. J. Krutz, D. B. Reynolds, M. A. Locke, B. R. Golden, J. T. Irby, R. W. Steinriede, Jr., G. D. Spencer, B. E. Mills, C. W. Wood. 2020. Conservation soybean production systems in the Mid-Southern USA: III. Zone tillage for furrow-irrigated soybean. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6(1):e20057 Download
  • Wood, C. W., L. J. Krutz, W. B. Henry, J. T. Irby, J. Orlowski, C. J. Bryant, R. L. Atwill, G. D. Spencer, B. E. Mills. 2020. Developing sensor?based irrigation scheduling that maximizes soybean grain yield, irrigation water use efficiency, and returns above irrigation costs. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 6(1):e20029.  Download
  • Spencer, G. W., L. J. Krutz, L. L. Falconer, W. B. Henry, C. Henry, E. J. Larson, H. Pringle, C. Bryant, R. L. Atwill. 2019. Irrigation water management technologies for furrow-irrigated corn that decrease water use and improve yield and on-farm profitability. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management 5(1):1-8.  Download
  • Wood, C. W., L. J. Krutz, L. L. Falconer, H. Pringle, W. B. Henry, J. T. Irby, J. Orlowski, J. Gore, C. J. Bryant, D. L. Boykin, R. L. Atwill, G. D. Spencer. 2019. Soybean planting date and maturity group selection as a method to optimize net returns above total specified costs and irrigation water use efficiency. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management 5(1):1-7. Download