David Shaw
Executive Vice President
Weed Science
Phone: (662) 325-3742
Mailing Address:
Box 9723
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Box 9723
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Physical Address:
3501 Lee Hall
Mississippi State, MS 39762
3501 Lee Hall
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Research/Extension Assignments:
- Weed management in soybean using spatial technologies
- Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
- M.S., Oklahoma State University
- B.S., Cameron University
PSS 4611/6611 Remote Sensing Seminar
Recognitions and Awards:
- 2012 Distinguished Service Award from Academia, Southern Weed Science Society of America
- Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark study I: Introduction, weed population, and management trends from the benchmark survey 2010. Weed Technology 26:525-530. Download
- Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark Study II: A 2010 survey to assess grower awareness of and attitudes toward glyphosate resistance. Weed Technology 26:531-535. Download
- Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark Study III: Survey on changing herbicide use patterns in glyphosate-resistant cropping systems. Weed Technology 26:536-542. Download
- Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson,D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark Study IV: Survey of grower practices for managing glyphosate-resistant weed populations. Weed Technology 26:543-548. Download
- Givens, W.A., D.R. Shaw, M.E. Newman, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, M.D. Owen, and D.L. Jordan. 2011. Benchmark study on glyphosate-resistant cropping systems in the United States. Part 3: Grower awareness, information sources, experiences and management practices regarding glyphosate-resistant weeds. Pest Management Science, . 67(7):758-770. Download
- Owen, M.D., B.G. Young, D.R. Shaw, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan, P.M. Dixon, S.C. Weller. 2011. Benchmark study on glyphosate-resistant crop systems in the United States. Part 2: Perspectives. Pest Management Science 67:747-757. Download
- Shaw, D.R., M.D. Owen, P.M. Dixon, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2011. Benchmark study on glyphosate-resistant cropping systems in the United States. Part 1: Introduction to 2006-2008. Pest Management Science 67: 741-746. Download
- Weirich, J.W., D.R. Shaw, K.H. Coble, M.D. Owen, P.M. Dixon, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2011. Benchmark study on glyphosate-resistant cropping systems in the United States. Part 6: Timeliness of economic decision-making in implementing weed resistance management strategies. Pest Management Science 67: 785-789. Download
- Weirich, J.W., D.R. Shaw, M.D. Owen, P.M. Dixon, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2011. Benchmark study on glyphosate-resistant cropping systems in the United States. Part 5: Effects of glyphosate-based weed management programs on farm-level profitability. Pest Management Science 67: 781-784. Download
- Wilson, R.G., B.G. Young, J.L. Matthews, S.C. Weller, W.G. Johnson, D.L. Jordan, M.D. Owen, P.M. Dixon, D.R. Shaw. 2011. Benchmark study on glyphosate-resistant cropping systems in the United States. Part 4: Weed management practices and effects on weed populations and soil seedbanks. Pest Management Science 67: 771-780. Download
- Givens, W.A., D.R. Shaw, G.R. Kruger, W.G. Johnson, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, M.D. Owen, D. Jordan. 2009. Survey of tillage trends following the adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops. Weed Technology 23(1):150-155. Download
- Givens, W.A., D.R. Shaw, W.G. Johnson, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, M.D. Owen, D. Jordan. 2009. A grower survey of herbicide use patterns in glyphosate-resistant cropping systems. Weed Technology 23(1):156-161. Download
- Gray, C.J., D.R. Shaw, L.M. Bruce. 2009. Utility of hyperspectral reflectance for differentiating soybean (Glycine max) and six weed species. Weed Technology 23(1):108-119. Download
- Johnson, W.G., M.D. Owen, G.R. Kruger, B.G. Young, D.R. Shaw, R.G. Wilson, J.W. Wilcut, D. Jordan, S.C. Weller. 2009. U.S. farmer awareness of glyphosate-resistant weeds and resistance management strategies. Weed Technology 23(2):308-312. Download
- Kruger, G.R., W.G. Johnson, S.C. Weller, M.D. Owen, D.R. Shaw, J.W. Wilcut, D. Jordan, R.G. Wilson, M.L. Bernards, B.G. Young. 2009. U.S. grower views on problematic weeds and changes in weed pressure in glyphosate-resistant corn, cotton, and soybean cropping systems. Weed Technology 23(1):162-166. Download
- Shaw, D.R., W.A. Givens, L. Farno, P.D. Gerard, D. Jordan, W.G. Johnson, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young. 2009. Using a grower survey to assess the benefits and challenges of glyphosate-resistant cropping systems for weed management in U.S. corn, cotton, and soybean. Weed Technology 23 (1):134-149. Download
- Eubank, T.W., D.H. Poston, V.K. Nandula, C.H. Koger, III, D.R. Shaw, D.B. Reynolds. 2008. Glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza canadensis) control using glyphosate-, paraquat-, and glufosinate-based herbicide programs. Weed Technology 22(1):16-21. Download
- Gray, C.J., D.R. Shaw, J.A. Bond, D.O. Stephenson, L.R. Oliver. 2007. Assessing the reflective characteristics of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and Pitted Morning glory (Ipomoea lacunosa) accessions. Weed Science 55(4):293-298. Download
- Poston, D.H., V.K. Nandula, R.M. Griffin, D.R. Shaw,M.C. Smith. 2007. Weed control alternatives in very early-maturing Mississippi soybean. Crop Management. Download
- Hutto, K.C., D.R. Shaw, J.D. Byrd Jr., R.L. King. 2006. Differerentiation of turfgrass and weed species using hyperspectral radiometry. Weed Science 54(2):335-339. Download
- Hutto, K.C., R.L. King, J.D. Byrd, D.R. Shaw. 2006. Implementation of hyperspectral radiometry in irrigation management of creeping bentgrass putting Greens. Crop Science 46:1564-1569. Download
- Shaw, D.R., S.M. Schraer, J.M. Prince, M. Boyette, W.L. Kingery. 2006. Runoff losses of cyanazine and metolachlor: Effects of soil type and precipitation timing. Weed Science 54(4):800-806. Download
- Shaw, D.R., S.M. Schraer, J.M. Prince, M. Boyette. 2006. Herbicide dynamics in the Bogue Phalia watershed in the Yazoo River basin of Mississippi. Weed Science 54(4):807-813. Download
- Lamastus-Stafford, F.E., D.R. Shaw. 2005. Comparison of different sampling scales to estimate weed populations in three soybean fields. Precision Agriculture 6:271-280. Download
- Shaw, D.R. 2005. Translation of remote sensing data into weed management decisions. Weed Science 53(2):264-273. Download
- Shaw, D.R., F.S. Kelley. 2005. Evaluating remote sensing for determining and classifying soybean anomalies. Precision Agriculture 6(5):421-429. Download
- Simpson, A. J., W. L. Kingery, D. R. Shaw, M. Spraul, E. Humpfer, P. Dvortsak. 2001. The application of 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy for the study of structures and associations of organic components at the solid-aqueous interface of a whole soil. Environmental Science & Technology 35:3321-3325. Download